Winter Scene

Laz's winter scene has appeared before, but it is always a big hit. The mountain-top castle got destroyed accidentally during a move, so the anachronistic construction crane represents the repairs. The ski lift is one of Michel's RCX-controlled projects - the gondolas going back and forth automatically. There were problems with worn gears this year, so it often wasn't running. The small church at the back of town is also Michel's, and this year he added a small motorized bell to the tower. You can see it moving in the video, but something slipped not long after and it stopped moving.

If you look carefully at the rightmost image in the first row below, you can see a bit of Laz's careful cobblestone work. There is more to be found, but I don't think any more of it is visible in these pictures. Most people never spot it. There is another message in the lake, but its hard to photograph when the entire display is setup.


Church Bell
Ferris Wheel
Ski Lift
Winter Street

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